
We help you understand your customers, visitors or clients by refining your marketing strategy through the power of research. Through quantitative and qualitative methods, we peer behind the curtain to see what makes people, organizations or entities tick. We look at motivations, trends and technology and peel away the vagueness and ambiguity that may filter the way you look at groups or situations.

These services can be tailored for your organization:

  • Customized Research
  • Visitor Intercept Study (one-on-one interviews)
  • Scientific Visitor Research with Destination Inquiries (Email Survey)
  • Focus Forums/Focus Groups
  • Convention/Meeting/Group Planner Decision Maker Study
  • Survey of Industry Leaders and Stakeholders
  • Lodging Product Assessment and Survey
  • Reconnaissance and Mystery Shopping
  • Performance Audit and In-depth Analysis of Status
  • Attraction Manager Survey & Attendance Statistics
  • Strategic Marketing Plan
  • Workshop for Local Industry
  • Overview & Strategies of Digital Communications
  • Website Developer & Maintenance
  • Social Media Advisor
  • Frequently asked questions about research:

    How much do research studies cost?

    It is surprisingly less than you think. Cost is largely dependent upon the requirements and scope of a particular project. Tourism Skills Group will provide you an estimate that is good for sixty days.


    Why should I have research conducted?

    Research provides you the roadmap in which to make educated decisions.  It will allow you to make better advertising choices and give you the tools to decide who to market to.  Also, it will allow you to know what products and services are working and which need tweaking. In fact, research will save you money in the long run as you will know where best to put your marketing dollars instead of just  randomly choosing publications you have a “hunch” that work! We recommend that every organization put aside at least 8% of their budget towards research.  There is a reason that Proctor and Gamble invests heavily into research – ‘cause it works!


    Does it take long to complete the survey process once started?

    It really depend upon the sample size you request; in addition, the ease of contacting survey participants matters. We estimate it would take about three to four months to complete an intercept survey and provide our research and recommendations once the survey is approved.


    My organization would profit from research, but I do not know how to go about it. How should we proceed?

    We are here to guide you through the process. Send us an e-mail or call us. We’ll  discuss your needs and work with you to develop a cost effective research strategy.

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